Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Visual Composition

What was new and surprising to me after reading these articles is that art can tell so many stories. I never knew there was so much thought behind positioning something on a page just to get an idea across. From positioning for a feeling of comfort, or gravity, or fear, or to show hierarchy, there are so many different stories a picture can tell just by these things. Not only can visuals tell stories, they can even show movement and tension.

From what I gathered in the readings, visual composition is expressing a sense of reality in a picture and creating a visual language. Literacy is not always verbal, it can also come from pictures that we create. In art we can create a visual message and, the better the art the clearer the message. It's about "understanding expressive visual communication in the search for a universal visual language (Dondis)." Written composition sounds familiar, although it is not visual but rather a process of getting a message across clearly.

When I read these articles I was constantly trying to find a comparison to the written composition because I forgot all about the poster we are to do by the end of the semester. I tried really hard to take what I was reading and compare it to what we were learning. Finally when I was done reading I went back to the calendar and remembered the poster, and then had to sit and think about what I was really reading and put my thoughts back to art and not the metaphors I created to relate to the writing composition process. Now that I started to think about my poster, I will be sure to use the techniques of centered-ness and gravity, as well as creating a focus that stands out more than anything else (the main point). I think I have an idea of how to do my poster to show all the connections of the composition process and will start drawing it out soon.

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