Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Continuing My Research

How can schools reform to eliminate the difference in literacy between children of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds?

This question best fits the argument that I want to make so I am sticking with it (for now). 

I found a few books that I plan on using for my paper. The first is Because Teaching Matters by Marleen Pugach. This is actually a textbook and covers many reasons for the achievement gap, many definitions, and many solutions to the issue at hand.

Next is a book titled Lessons from the Heartland by Barbara Miner. This is a nonfiction book that covers the history of public education in Milwaukee and I think it will really provide me with some excellent support for my argument.

The third is a scholarly article called "Funds of Knowledge for Teaching: Using a Qualitative Approach to Connect Homes and Classrooms" by Luis Moll, Cathy Amanti, Deborah Neff, and Norma Gonzalez. I chose this article because it has one of the key concepts from the textbook in the title, which is "funds of knowledge". This key concept is extremely important for all teachers to know, especially in this evergrowing, culturally diverse country. http://www.sonoma.edu/users/f/filp/ed415/moll.pdf

These sources will, I think, bring many different perspectives to my paper and help me to argue my case. I purchased the textbook for a curriculum and instruction class I am taking, which is an intro to teaching in urban settings. The next book was recommended to me by a classmate who I was explaining my argument to. Finally, the third article found just by typing in some key words in Google Scholar.

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