Monday, September 29, 2014

reforming research question

Original Question: What are the causes of achievement gaps of children from different ethnic/cultural backgrounds and how can these gaps be closed?
Problem/Solution Form
New Question: How can schools reform to eliminate the difference in literacy between children of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds?
This new form turns the issue into an identifiable problem/solution form. I can list the problem first and then spend the rest of the paper addressing several different solutions OR it might be better to list all the problems out, along with a solution for every problem. In my head I am thinking:
      I.        Intro/Thesis
     II.        Problems
    III.        Solution #1
   IV.        Solution #2, 3, 4, etc.
    V.        Conclusion
I.              Intro/Thesis
II.             1st problem and a solution
III.            2nd problem and a solution
IV.           3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. and their solutions
V.            Conclusion
Appearance/Reality Form
New Question: Is the home life of children in poverty or low-income to blame for illiteracy in school?
This new form shines a light on the fact that many believe the background of children (home, social, economical, parenting, etc.) play a major role in how that child performs in school. This can easily be turned into an argument because research shows that schools also play a major role in how children perform. I think that schools are to blame for the achievement gap so I would show what appears to be the issue and then what the reality really is.
I.              Intro/thesis
II.             Appearance
III.            Reality #1
IV.           Reality #2
V.            Reality #3, 4, 5, etc.
VI.           Conclusion

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