Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Style in Handbooks

Hill's chapter was just too much for me. I feel like it was the very first book ever written about writing a paper. It covered style, but in WAY too much detail, as well as too much detail about every other aspect of writing. It even went so far as to explain what certain words are used for when writing, like "but" and "instead". Not interested in reading that whole thing in the least bit! Glad we were able to just skim it...

The other two readings were much more to my pace. Brooks covered all kinds of sentence structures and styles, and the DKHBStyle reading had many helpful tips that I know will help me towards developing a great paper. Brooks, to me, covered things I have learned about writing since elementary school. The DKHBStyle reading was interesting because it covers style from the words used, sentence and paragraph structure, down to the font and color, but not until after a first draft is written. I like this technique because it takes less think work out of writing the first draft. It makes it less of a stressful task and more about just getting your ideas out first, and then going back and cleaning it up. So much emphasis has been made in my prior education background to really make a rough draft almost as good as a final, but now I see that is totally unnessesary. A rough draft should be just that-rough.

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