Monday, October 20, 2014

Faigley/Harris and Revision

Had a very hard time reading Faigley’s article…yikes!! Spent way too much time than I’d like to admit trying to understand where the article was going. Again, it is another article talking about history and writing and compares it to modern times. But basically, he talks about writers using a kind of voice that is their own and that it might be harder for teacher to assess or grade based on this. Writers as students should write as an autobiographical type so that it shows “self”.
Harris was easier to read…way easier. She talks about the necessity of going through all steps of writing. She basically is taking the same steps we are taking in class right now. From pre-writing to different goals set along the way. Writing should be a process and not just a paper to be graded. She also mentions that the teacher should be a coach and help them resolve issues that they may run into. Writing should be a complete work, with focus on every part of it, and revision until it is the best writing, but to the writer and not anyone else.

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