Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Student or Expeerienced Writer?

Based merely on the content given in Sommer's pieces, I would call myself an experienced writer, and I'm hardly an expert at anything. I call myself an experienced writer, however, because I don't do the things that she says a student writer does. I know that revising is bigger than just replacing bad words with better ones. I am able to look at my writing as a whole and change some parts or all parts once I realize what I need to do to get my point across. I see the bigger picture, the pattern, the design I'm going for. I know that my first draft is never my final, and that I am going to change it several times before I am satisfied.
I also agree with Sommers and her idea of an experienced writer, but to say that I am one, to me that is a little far-fetched (even though I just did). My friends and family and even classmates, before learning about Sommer's definition would never read my writing and call me an expert. They would probably think the opposite! Experienced writing is having a passion for it and using all kinds of different techniques to get the writing to shine above the rest. My writing is average; it's student writing in my own definition. I follow the rules I've learned in school and hardly go above and beyond.

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