Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Thinking Towards a Revision Plan

All I have left to do with my paper is the thesis, the solutions, and the conclusion. Then I will go through and make sure my paper isn't dry and dull.
  • Am I clear about my argument? Can I state it as a thesis statement?
This is one of the last things I need to do. I have to get my thesis statement together so that it fits with the rest of my paper. My argument is clear, but I still don't have a thesis.
  • Does my writing offer well-supported and accurate evidence for each of my claims?
Yes, the evidence I have is valid and it supports my argument.
  • Is my writing fair and respectful toward the differing positions one could take on my arguments?
Yes, I am only providing facts and just arguing who/what is to blame for the issue. Some may argue that other things are to blame, but they wouldn't think my paper was unfair.
  • Will my readers understand the purpose of each paragraph?
I think my paper flows well so yes, each paragraph has a reason and is in the right place (in my opinion).
  • Can I say why my paragraphs are ordered as they are? Can I describe the steps of my argument?
Yes, it is pretty clear to see how my paper is orgnazied. It starts with all the problems of my issues, or causes, then ends with solutions to the problems.
  • Will my writing engage readers?
Another thing I need to do is, once I am finished with the remaining paragraphs, is go back through a few times and make sure that it isn't boring. I don't want it to seem like a research paper so I have to make sure my voice shines through and that it is interesting to read.
  • Does my introduction engage readers with my argument and initial concerns?
I'm pretty happy with my intro, I just need to work on the thesis. Other than that, I have a good quote and I really talk aobut what my paper is all about.
  • Have I given appropriate stylistic emphasis to the main parts of my arguments?
Another thing I need to work on. Again, I have to make sure my paper isn't a boring research paper full of dull statistics. I have to make sure I show emotion and my voice so that it actually has a meaning.
  • Do my transitions help readers move from one paragraph to the next?
Again, it flows well. It moves from one fact to the next without being too dry. I think any reader would understand where I'm going with my paper.
  • Does my conclusion sum up my argument and end memorably for readers?
I still have to work on my conclusion, but I have some good ideas that will really wrap up my argument.

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