Monday, October 13, 2014


Revising a writing is reading it over yourself and having someone else read it if possible, and allowing yourself and others to change it for the better. Your initial thoughts may have sounded good at first, but reading it again will help you develop new ideas, whether it's changing the arrangement of the paper altogether, adding additional thoughts or content, or eliminating content.

When writing in school, I usually revise while I'm still writing and then when I think I'm done, I'll read through it again and revise. I always have at least one other person read it as well and I will take their suggestions, tips or tricks, and revise again as needed. However, I don't always take others' advice if I don't agree with it, unless of course it is from the teacher! I often revise because after I read a writing, I often change my mind on how a sentence or paragraph is arranged. I also fill in places that need a little more "meat" and eliminate parts that don't turn out fitting like I wanted. I also revise to catch spelling and grammatical errors.

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