Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My Definition of Writing

Writing as I know it after nine weeks of class is a process. This process has many steps and should be thought out thoroughly, over and over again. We don't often know where our thoughts, and our stored memories, and feelings and emotions, will take us until they come out of our heads and out of our mouths and onto paper. That's why writing is always changing and as a writer we are always learning. Writing cannot just simply be taught as instruction, instead we have to teach ourselves based off of the support and responses we receive from others about our writing, but most importantly our internal thoughts and development from ourselves.

The implications of this definition implies that as a future teacher I will help students learn that writing takes time and should not be done in one sitting. I will have my students (3rd graders) write a paper about something they like, and then have them revise it a few times throughout the year to see how well their writing develops by the time they do a final draft. It might sound like a lot for a nine year old but I think a page of something fun to them shouldn't be that hard. Plus they wrtie pretty big still so it should fill up the page pretty fast! :) I think if you show them at a young age that their writing changes as they discover internal and external ideas, they will keep this practice in minda s they advance through school.

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